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Global solutions to local problems


We offer a global solution for businesses, to help your brand & product avoid infringement and can help you investigate & enforce your intellectual property rights in a quick and cost-effective way.

Brand clearance
Product clearance

Before you begin using your new brand you should identify the potential risks and liabilities that exist from conflicting brands that are already in the marketplace.


A search can save you the considerable time & expense of destroying and reprinting packaging, labelling and promotional materials and avoid the costs involved in a possible infringement action.


Our brand clearance search is a simple and cost effective way of checking whether any conflicting marks will prevent you from adopting and using a new brand name or logo


Bringing your innovations to market without first conducting a search of whether you encroach on existing Intellectual Property rights makes you vulnerable to infringement allegations and creates a significant risk for your businesses. You might also expose your customers to indirect infringement claims and this might affect how other businesses view you and how they choose to deal with you. 


Our product clearance searches (also known as a 'freedom-to-operate') are an evaluation of whether your product  infringes existing patent & design intellectual property rights and provide the essential certainty you need to operate in your market with confidence.


Competitor IP monitoring
Infringement Investigation 

We provide a watching service which can monitor and analyse all new patent, design & trademark applications from your competitors and provide you up to date information on your competitors activities on an alert basis or as part of a monthly competitor report.



We have extensive private investigation experience and we can undertake tailor-made infringement research projects for clients who suspect counterfeit or infringing activity.


We can identify businesses and individuals at the source and obtain evidence by making anonymous enquiries & sample purchases of products from companies and websites throughout the world. 


We partner with legal and other services to provide monitoring for trade shows and can quickly and efficently establish infringement of products or obtain supply chain infringements.

Internet Domain Research
& Cybersquatting Resolution
Monitor & takedown

Domain squatting is generally bad faith registration of another's trademark in a domain name. Squatters actively search for domain names they can register, and then attempt to hold businesses to ransom, or in some cases, sell fake goods using the brand.


Cybersquatting makes it harder for customers to determine whether a site is legitimate, especially when accessing a brand's website for the first time, causing customer confusion and brand damage as a result. This is a major problem for businesses and even more so for SME's with scarce resources.


We can locate the owner of a domain name and make an approach directly to the owner to establish if they are prepared to sell the domain name and then proceed to negotiate a price. By using our service you remain anonymous, keep the price low and resolve domain issues quickly. 




Our experienced team can monitor Web 2.0 sites including eBay, Amazon, EC21, & alibaba for infringing content and act to rapidly remove listings on your behalf. 


Our researchers can establish the details of individual or entities behind an indpendant website and gather evidence to allow further action.



Non-use Trademark Investigation

If a registered trade mark has not been used on the goods or services for which it is registered, either by the proprietor or by someone else with the proprietor’s agreement in the five years since the trade mark was registered or for any uninterrupted period of five years after registration and there are no proper reasons why the trade mark has not been used then you can apply to revoke or partly revoke it.


We can anonymously conduct non-use investigations on your behalf and establish whether a registered trademark may be vulnerable to revocation.

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